Indie Author Summer Extravaganza Feature Friday: Amber Perez

In celebration of this year’s Indie Author Summer Extravaganza (14 July - 17 July & hosted by Hayley Anderton), I’m featuring fellow participating romance authors every Friday in June! This event has over 80 authors so far and is a great way for readers to find new indie books & authors in a variety of genres!

Amber is a sapphic fiction writer. She grew up on the east coast but currently makes her home in Northern California. Amber faithfully cheers for the Dallas Cowboys during football season, regardless of their record. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys scrapbooking, planning her next tattoo and being an amateur grease monkey tinkering on her Jeep.

Amber Perez Author Interview

Smyth: How do you find time to write?

Perez: It’s a challenge! I’m in college for the first time at 45 years old. I really just have to set deadlines for myself and work around my school schedule.

Smyth: What is the best time of day for you to write?

Perez: I think I’m most creative later in the day. I write whenever I get the chance, but it seems to flow easier later in the evening.

Smyth: How long does it take you to write a book?

Perez: My first one took me just over a year. Lexi’s ended up taking about 11 months from first word to publishing. My goal with my current WIP is about 9 months.

Smyth: Does writing energize you or exhaust you? 

Perez: It depends on the scenes I’m writing. When I get to do fun scenes, I usually end up pretty energized after. I also write some pretty emotionally raw scenes and those seem to take a bit more out of me.

Smyth: Do you believe in writer’s block?

Perez: I do. I think it’s just something the majority of writers will deal with at least once. For me, having ideas isn’t a problem. My block tends to be more doubting I can get those ideas into the form of a book!

Smyth: Have you ever gotten reader’s block?

Perez: I have!! This past year when I had so much required reading with school, it was hard to want to read for pleasure at times. 

Smyth: What’s your favorite under- appreciated novel?

Perez: That’s a tough one. There are so many wonderful books out that don’t get the props they should. I think right now, I would have to say “Oh My Stars” by S-Jay Hart.

Smyth: What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?

Perez: It’s painful to say but TV! And I love my true crime but writing is more important.

Smyth: If you could tell your younger writer self anything, what would it be?

Perez: Just write! You can write what you want and you don’t have to worry about how it will be received. There is an audience out there for everything.



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