Did I write it to be read?
No. I did not write Time for Once to be read.
I don’t think I’m the only one to go against a commonly held belief as to why we, as humans, do x, y, or z. The belief that someone writes a book to be read in order to leave their mark on the world, while true for many, falls flat at my feet.
My why is like that beating organ behind my sturdy ribs and muscles and blood vessels and warm flesh. It’s there but hidden. Similarly, writing a book starts with the heart.
The first draft is the heart.
There was no flesh or bone to secure the wild beating of that first draft. It was the raw beginning and, for a moment, a near flat-line end. Until I typed the end and realized this heart deserves a body unique and beautiful enough for others to see.
I revised Time for Once to be read.
Drafts two, three, four, and five, along with a professional edit and two proofreaders, once completed, came together to create the body. And it’s happening, on 2-3-23, the book will be out for any to read!
But I write to embrace my fears, step forward into growth, live authentically, and leave a mark on the one person who’s been with me from the very beginning: me! That may not be a super solid why, but I do have a steadfast calling, and that’s enough to keep me here creating.
A quote/spoken word from my book, Time for Once, coming 2-3-23.